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Irvine California – Recent Case Law Provides for Unjust Division of Social Security and Pension Benefits In a recent case from Los Angeles County, a husband (John) and wife (Annette) divorced. Both parties are attorneys. Annette worked for L.A. County and had a pension benefit through her employment, and John worked in private practice and

Guide to help speed up the resolution of divorce cases Divorce cases can be extremely quick or excruciatingly long.  Whether a divorce case is resolved within a matter of months or within a matter of years depends on a variety of factors, some of which are in the parties’ control and some not.  A dissolution of marriage case

Posted on 05/26/15 Uncategorized

Mr. Wilkinson Featured on Nationwide Article about Best Cities for Lawyers San Diego Divorce Lawyers – Confidential Consultations David Wilkinson was recently featured in a nationally-distributed article by a well-known and highly linked website known as “Value Penguin”.  The article focuses on the top 100 cities for lawyers to live in based on several factors

How Child Custody & Visitation Orders Shape Child Support Guidelines Irvine Child Custody Lawyer – Newport Beach Child Support Attorneys (Free Consultations) Many family law and divorce litigants in Orange County, California, make the mistake of negotiating child custody and visitation orders without thinking about the financial implications of doing so. The statutory guidelines in

Posted on 01/05/15 Orange County,Uncategorized

Child Custody and Visitation Issues in Irvine, CA – Parenting Courses Custody Lawyers Irvine – Free Consultation The Judicial Council of California has added a new, free online course to its Family Change website (link to The new course, titled “Parenting After Separation,” provides three hours of content for parents going through separation and

Posted on 09/12/14 Orange County,Uncategorized

OC Office Video At Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, LLP, we are committed to helping families in Orange County avoid unnecessary conflict and settle disputes in ways that are constructive, healthy, and beneficial to every party involved. Our Orange County family law attorneys understand that every legal issue – whether a divorce, child custody dispute, paternity suit,

Posted on 07/10/14 Uncategorized

In a recent, unpublished case IRMO Wollard (2nd Dist., Div. 6, January 14, 2014), the California Court of Appeals heard a case involving a post-judgment motion relating to a former wife’s cohabitation with another man.  The case had to do with modification proceedings stemming from a spousal support order in a divorce judgment.  The parties

Posted on 03/07/14 Uncategorized

Valuable Resource for Attorneys – Client Conflict Check This article is for the many lawyer colleagues throughout the country that visit our website for useful information about family law.  There is an exceptional resource that has become recently available for attorneys to efficiently check for conflicts of interest. Client Conflict Check provides a cloud-based, extremely fast