By Brian Mullen, Esq. Domestic Violence Restraining Orders (“DVRO’s”) are governed by Family Code §6200 et. seq., also known as the Domestic Violence Prevention Act. In 2014 the legislature made a significant change to Family Code §6340(a) by mandating that any Orange County child custody, visitation and support orders entered while the DVRO is operative
By Brian Mullen, Partner What Constitutes Death The Court will likely decline to make a finding that a party has died until a death certificate has been issued by the coroner. In the meantime, the Court assumes that the party is still alive and may postpone any hearings on calendar until his or her death
By Brian Mullen, Partner Recent Change in Calculation of Military Retirement Benefits Effective December 23, 2016 there has been a sea change in the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act (USFSPA), 10 U.S.Code. It was a sudden and surprise change not discussed or argued, simply presented to the President for signature. The National Defense Authorization
I have been served with an “RFO” to Determine Child and/or Spousal Support Arrears, and now I have to go to court. Now what? By Brian Mullen, Esq. Your task is to reduce the amount of arrears claimed by your ex. But how? Let’s assume for the sake of this discussion that the support orders
Irvine Divorce Lawyers – Free Consultation By Andrew Tran, Esq. In many family law cases, it is not uncommon to be involved in litigation from time to time, whether it is in the initial case (divorce, paternity, child custody, child support, spousal support, etc.), as well as after the issuance of a court order in
Most attorneys that practice divorce law offer a free initial consultation where you can schedule a time to meet in person with the lawyer. The guide provides you with advice on how to prepare for an efficient and effective consultation. While most divorce attorneys in Irvine and elsewhere in Orange County don’t specifically provide direct
Whenever the support of a minor child is at issue, the Court may order either or both parents to pay any amount necessary for the child’s support. In Orange County, a hearing on the issue of child support is set by the filing of a Request for Order (RFO) by one of the parties, or
We often have Irvine, Orange County clients ask our attorneys, “How does divorce work in California”? This page is designed to explain just how divorce cases work from start to finish, the different types of cases for divorce, and discusses the myriad of issues that may arise during divorce. Getting Started Divorce cases are started
California law presumes that both parents should have a meaningful role in the major decisions that affect a child and frequent and continuing contact with the child. The Court’s focus in making custody of a child and visitation decisions is on the kid’s best interest. Why then do so many mothers end up with the majority
A recent Harvard study answered the question in a decades-long “happiness” study Harvard recently revealed its multi-generational study looking into what makes people happy. Was it money? Fame? No, the overwhelming majority of people found the greatest level of happiness in the relationships they shared with other people. Notably, the study took place over 80 years.