
What is a “Richmond Order” For Purposes of Spousal Support & Can The Time Certain Be Extended:

Posted on 03/12/13 Spousal Support

The case of Marriage of Richmond, (1980) 105 Cal.App.3d 352 generally holds that the Court has jurisdiction to set step down of spousal support payable to the supported spouse on a date certain.  Within that order, the Court will indicate that the supported spouse has the burden to prove thereafter, that such order should not be reduced based on the circumstances.

In the case of Marriage of Khera & Sameer, (2012) 206 Cal. App. 4th 1467, a Richmond-like order was issued against Wife with a date certain related to the step-down/termination of her spousal support.  In anticipation of such date, she filed a motion to extend spousal support past the Richmond Order step-down date, requesting an extension of spousal support.   In denying her request to extend jurisdiction, the Court found that Wife failed to demonstrate “unrealized” expectations because she elected to continue her education past the Master’s Degree, which was anticipated in Richmond Order.

When litigating issues related to Richmond Orders, spousal support termination, or step-downs, be sure to hire an attorney to ensure you are fairly represented on such complex matters.