Located in Los Angeles and serving all of Southern California, the law firm of Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, LLP, represents clients in family law matters.

We pride ourselves in our ability to properly advise and instruct our clients on legal matters, then meet or exceed their expectations. We are a results-driven law firm with experience in all aspects of divorce and paternity proceedings. Below are some of the successes our clients have enjoyed. If you have any questions regarding the legal issues in a particular case, or if you want advice regarding your legal situation, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee any results for any specific matter and the examples below may not necessarily occur in your particular case.

Family Law Cases
While our attorneys have extensive experience negotiating and litigating many family law issues, here are some specific examples of our successes:
Complex Settlement Negotiation
In many of our cases, our attorneys have been able to negotiate and settle complex matters involving significant real estate and investment assets. In one recent case, Attorney Schneider and Attorney Lindow successfully negotiated the settlement of a high-conflict divorce matter involving several million dollars in real property assets, business entity assets, assets held in and out of trust, and liquid assets. They used a combination of negotiating tactics to achieve an excellent result for our client.
Public Figure/High Profile Cases
Our attorneys are sensitive to the need to maintain our client’s privacy throughout every stage of their case. Understanding the impact of litigation on the client’s reputation while weighing a client’s legal obligations are situations that our attorneys are skilled at navigating. We have successfully and quietly settled numerous divorce, paternity and prenuptial agreement disputes while preserving the family’s right of privacy and security.
Imputation of Income
Our attorneys have litigated hundreds of child support, spousal support, and support modification cases, wherein the opposing party has been less than forthcoming regarding their true income available for support and their ability to earn. In a recent divorce case that went to trial, Attorney Schneider successfully argued that an Opposing Party was not only under-employed, but also received recurring gift income, which resulted in the significant imputation of income to the Opposing Party.
Adult Child Support
Many attorneys are familiar with the complex set of laws pertaining to California guideline child support, as well as the rules pertaining to temporary and permanent spousal support. What is less commonly litigated is the need for Adult Dependent Child Support. Recently, Attorney Schneider was successful in securing court-ordered Adult Child Support for our client’s 26-year-old dependent child, in addition to an ongoing spousal support award.
Lack of Participation from Opposing Party
On occasion, the party responding to a Dissolution case decides not to formally respond or otherwise participate in the family law matter, in which case a default judgment must be filed. Recently, Attorney Lindow successfully counseled her client through the default process to obtain a favorable judgment in the Family Court.
Defending Against False Domestic Violence Claims
The attorneys at Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, LLP, have helped countless Domestic Violence victims secure their (and their children’s) safety through the protection of a Domestic Violence Restraining Order. However, it is an unfortunate fact that on occasion, there are opposing parties that may file false or grossly exaggerated claims of domestic violence in an effort to gain an advantage in child custody or divorce proceedings. It is important to have a skilled attorney to quash false allegations before they can adversely prejudice your case. In a Domestic Violence Restraining Order case against her client, Attorney Schneider presented argument and evidence that convinced the judge the party seeking the restraining order had no credibility and his allegations were baseless. As a result, the temporary restraining order was dismissed.
Child Custody and Visitation Matters
There is nothing worse than being denied access or the right to parent your child. As a mother, Attorney Schneider is a strong advocate for her clients when it comes to protecting the best interest of their children. In several custody cases, wherein Attorney Schneider’s clients may have been absent from the child’s life for an extended period of time (often due to the other parent withholding the child or denying visits), she has been able to successfully negotiate agreements or litigate a parenting plan that gave her clients frequent contact with their children, again.
Pre-marital Agreements
The decision to marry includes significant legal consequences that can affect separate property interests that few people consider before marriage. It is important to understand your rights before entering a marriage contract. The lawyers at Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, LLP have drafted and negotiated countless pre-marital agreements that have resulted in many happy marriages. Attorney Schneider and Attorney Lindow prepare client-specific agreements to protect their client’s separate property assets, which can vary from California family law guidelines.
Enforcement Cases
When an Opposing Party refuses to pay Court ordered support or an Equalization Payment, it is important to have a skilled attorney that can efficiently pursue and collect payment. Recently, Attorney Schneider negotiated a successful payment of arrears for our client that saved her the additional delay, fees, and costs of protracted litigation. In another matter that came to us many years post-judgment, Attorney Schneider was able to successfully secure the entirety of a non-paying spouse’s house sale proceeds for our client, which included attorney’s fees and costs associated with pursing the enforcement orders.
Asset Concealment
In a case involving concealment and misrepresentation of high-value assets located outside of the United States, our attorneys were able to work with investigators and local counsel to uncover information concerning the hidden and misrepresented assets. The uncovered information was vital to the outcome of the case and provided our client with a favorable settlement.
Call us at (310) 697-8369, e-mail us, visit us, or fill out our intake form on our Contact Us page. The parking and confidential consultation are free. We have helped hundreds of clients, and we want to help you.